Can I Face Myself?
Let the gift of you spill out generously into the world.
Actors are often plagued with selfishness for their desire to act. It can manifest as this longing trapped inside. There is so much more I want…so much I want to know and give... This is the wish to unveil something hidden, felt, mysterious. Personal.
The poet Rumi writes…
Longing is the core of mystery.
Longing itself brings the cure.
The more you gift the more you are given.
Sunday night I spoke at the United Solo Awards Gala in New York City about performing my original show about Grace Kelly called Longing for Grace.
I was soon in front of audiences from around the world… there wasn’t one show where I didn’t forget my lines and looked out into the darkness, in what felt like the jaws of death... But this kind of experience teaches you to have faith in yourself and take on the next challenge as an artist.
That night, actors receiving awards shared this universal sentiment of deep gratitude for being selected and given the opportunity—an opportunity that changed their lives.
The more you gift the more you are given.
I tell my actors, if you bring it to me, I will meet you and we will move to the next challenge of your acting together.
Through the practice of teaching, I get to explore my own cutting edge as an artist—to learn more precisely, more intimately, more intelligently how to meet you—and in turn your acting is a gift to me.
No one loses. All things expand. Opportunities multiply.
And it all begins with you gifting yourself… your whole self. Tearing open the wrapping and letting yourself pop out!
Can I have it all?
Actors tend to think they need an agent in order to work. With their doubts around self-worth, the actor puts the agent on a pedestal and undermines their own stature. The actor forgets that the agent has nothing without them.
The agent needs you, the artist. Not a partial you, a fully expanded and centered you. You are the gift that shines and glistens, full of mystery and promise.
Get clear on what you want most to give to the world. This is your gift. The gift of your talent brings the gift of opportunity for yourself and others.