Who Are You Becoming?
Who are you becoming?
Nature moves through us… sometimes like a storm.
It’s storming inside, it’s storming outside… something is becoming.
It’s a creative explosion.
The nature of an artist can be freed through creative expression.
You live it
Become it.
In each person, in every person
is brilliancy
a life spark—
when you light your own
you live with increased honesty
and creative depth.
Crisis contributes to this release—in crisis there is conflict.
Conflict is built into drama and actors are drawn to it.
Because it offers yet another opportunity to renew, to start again. To make a change.
To sink into the depth of the whole world and its making
and become a maker
pounding pylons in the underworld
that brace the framework
of humanity.
Becoming your next potential.
We can bring the past characters onto the stage and renew them. They become stories of today built out of stories gone by. An extract of the old becomes the seed to reform the becoming cry.
Sometimes the intensity shakes us when we are closer to its central expression.
The frequency is stronger—stay centered.
Get on your own band wagon… and get off of your neighbor’s.
When we spend less time denying, fighting against ourselves, suddenly we find we’re taking the ropes that bind us off.
When you decide to come unbound, to move on in your life, your art will follow.
When you move on with your art, your life is there.
You can stay hooked to the past and keep playing it out as your new justice… but don’t take energy away from what is needed now. Those characters, real or fictitious, muddy up our inner stage and clutter up the outer stage—
We are all of the same spark.
If you put out someone else’s
you put out your own—even in a split second the air is damaged…
The spotlight is actually off that stage, off those characters. They have gone by.
Begin the play that lives in us now, that is becoming.
Evolution is always in potential.
Cast the characters that want this show, it’s their turn… bring them onto the stage.
The character who seemed helpless is replaced by the one taking over,
the one who keeps choosing to feel hurt sheds the character that is hurting,
the one who doesn’t quite admit what she wants… takes action.
Those characters are in the wings waiting for their entrance.
We laugh and say, that’s a groovy concept but hahaha I’m living in reality not fantasy. (But, hahaha, it’s all the same.) It’s all creation and all in flux and always ready to get to the heart of the episode…
Go into your imagination and sit somewhere in the middle of your inner storm—the eye of your storm—there is a stillness.
Become transported into the height of the sky, the warmth of the sun, the energy in the waves…
Nature’s expression is powerful, forgiving, angry, rich emotions untethered.
Listen to your storm.
Who are you becoming?
It can happen in a split second