What risk is worth taking?
What risk are you taking toward what you want?
Moving away from what is known can be frightening…
Compression builds inside because there is a need to grow, but maybe you don’t think you’re ready.
Your response might be to pull back, even as the feeling builds… even as every impulse in you wants to take that risk and go beyond where you are—
If you are blocking the impulse, some part of you will know that you are fighting against what you actually desire.
If you’re struggling with stages of despair, frustration, and anger—it may be time to release what no longer serves you.
In acting we come to points where we need to take our work to a new level—we feel the visceral challenge...
Once we have taken it, the risk, we have stepped into a new paradigm.
Where life was untrodden there is a new passage opened.
Last week in my Acting for Stage & Screen Class something shifted. The room had an emotional vibrancy that affected me for days.
I felt there was a new level of risk in the acting—in the actors—the climate in the room shifted.
We feel this shift when we attend a play that moves us. Where the acting gets under our skin and into our hearts and becomes a part of us.
When we risk it affects our emotional, psychological, physical, mental, spiritual being… the whole body comes to life.
Risk taking has to be anchored in action for results to manifest!
We can think about taking a risk. We can pray to take the risk. We can meditate on taking the risk… but it is the doing that Uta Hagen put her finger on.
Your risk might be going deeper into your character, or allowing a new aspect of yourself to emerge in your acting.
When you trust in your power to create and transcend you become someone new—a next level creator.
Any risk emanates through the whole psyche and into the universe. It becomes a forcefield of potential.
Go in there and activate it.
When you take a risk you reprogram your behavior.
The current that moves you toward risk connects with a bigger force field. And if you trust it, it multiplies. Your behavior aligns with the potential already active in the universe.
“… the tiny electrical impulses into our body results in the formation of a magnetic field around our body … And if we keep on expanding these so-called elementary particles, we reach a point where we find nothing but pure energy vibrating at the very essence … which connects to everything in the universe.”
Sometimes it happens in a moment, and sometimes it takes years to break out of the mold and raise your personal bar.
It can be emotional—something has grown, a new confidence has developed.
It can be psychological—letting go of what felt fixed, a behavior you couldn’t overcome.
Then, it’s suddenly available. To risk becomes unavoidable.
Take the risk!
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