It's in the fog

It’s in the fog

Where you are caught in life, you are caught in acting. 

How you live is how you show up as an actor. The choices you make in life are the choices you make in your acting. 

Acting is an artistic and creative reflection of the many shades of your life, but in a non-threatening setting.

You can try on confronting your spouse in an acting role. You can express your rage, fall in love—discover what you’ve tucked away and rediscover it in acting. That part you left behind, that feeling you’ve forbidden.

As you “play” something gently shifts in your personality, something that seemed essential to your self-image loses power. 

A new space opens for a different aspect of yourself and begins to merge with the outer world.  A new person shows up.


Free yourself and free your acting… 

Acting offers the technique for this exploration of freedom. 

Natalie Portman speaks to how the actor creates both worlds, “You’re inventing both what’s inside of you and outside of you as an actor.”

The inner and outer reflect each other; self-loathing becomes externalized, external violence is merged with inner violence.

Notice the world around you in detail, with compassion. You will see it all acted out in society all the time. When you experience its beauty, it reflects your internal beauty. 

When you are sensitive to things around you, you are sensitive to yourself. If you discard yourself, you discard the world around you.

The process is the prize. 

If you want more from your life you must travel deeper. If you want more from your acting, you must travel deeper.

You must dive into your attitudes and judgments, explore the fixed ideas of who you are and your fixed ideas about the world around you. 

The process can start right now.

Keep saying yes, and yes will reflect back.

Acting builds relationships between your inner and outer selves, bringing fluidity—clearing the fog from your view.

What is in that fog? 

Something that you want to become, but haven’t recognized yet? Something precious you keep veiled…?

Bravely dive into the fog and find your whole, free self. This is the work of the actor. 

Join us!

Grace Kiley