Is there an actor in me?
Are you sitting in the audience wishing it was you on stage? Does the character speak to you so loudly you fear the audience might overhear? Do you feel divided, as a familiar hollowness returns when you leave the theater?
Many a potential actor will not poke their head out of the rabbit hole lest they lose it (their head).
It takes a certain commitment to yourself to come out of hiding.
The question you must ask is, do I have a longing?
Is there a voice calling from inside that hopes to be heard and once it is heard, listened to—truly listened to?
It is the sensation that something inside is awake but stays in the darkness for fear of being seen, of being haunted but unable to pursue the mystery because of what it might reveal.
Thoughts may flood you again and again—confronting you with unresolved questions.
What if I don’t have talent? What if they were right? Isn’t it safer to keep my best kept secret? What if I lose my way, follow the wrong path…?
When you have been taught, either directly or indirectly, that a part of you is forbidden (and all for your own good) you can spend a lifetime trying to keep that forbidden door shut.
But there is a burning light, a glow that keeps you up at night, a flame that won’t go out, a longing for the forbidden self... sometimes you manage the longing and time passes—but then it returns.
So what should you do with this longing?
The forbidden self endlessly waits until you make the commitment to find out what it wants—until you go on the journey. It’s an exploration that does not need a conclusion or an answer.
You simply take the first step and see your imprint, and then the next, and the next, until you create a path toward knowing.
The shadows will illuminate when you befriend the question rather than deny it.
Let the journey begin.
I have designed an intensive program that invites you to investigate your unanswered questions by submerging into the art form. Whether you are exploring your potential or pursuing your next professional goal, this program will provide the path to deeper mastery.
The Acting Mastery Program, January 5-18, 2020, is a two-week immersion into the art of acting. If interested, reply to this email "Tell me more about Acting Mastery."
“Acting is doing.”
-Uta Hagen, Respect for Acting